That spam arrived yesterday, but the phish site is still up. So I thought I should send off a heads up when I discovered it.
I must confess that I messed up a bit and used the mail to bluehost regarding the paypal phish. so it became a paypal instead of a Lloyds phish in the email.
But anyway, here is the response from, their abuse@. Correction, this could be google not sending it out at all:
Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:
Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 16): 550 This message contains malware (Email.Phishing.RB-1597)
Should I think a bit and try to rewrite it? Naw.
I have no idea what triggers that response.
OK, then. I will leave out the full link and only give the domain. And not use the word "phish".
But only one more try.
Update two days later
Nine hours ago I received the following from Hetzner:
thanks a lot for the information. We have informed our customer to take care
of the problem. If you have trouble with one of our servers furthermore,
don't hesitate to contact us again.
Sorry for the problems.
Not a problem for me, mate.
But it could be a problem for others that the phishing page is still up.
This is a lloyds bank phish site.
And this week is apparently "National Identity Fraud Prevention Week" in the UK, starting today:
Bluehost: Less than 10 minutes to remove a phishing site.
Hetzner: (Two) (Three) (Four days) 5 days.......
Last check Thursday October 11 and the phishing page was gone, took them around 5 days.
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