Just out of his diapers back then.
Let's start with a one of his postings from bulkerforum.biz:
Joined: 26 Mar 2007
Posts: 50
Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2007 4:44 pm Post subject: bp servers 4 sale - can use for ANYTHING but direct mailing
$250 Dedicated BP FAST China Servers
* 110% ANONYMOUS - your name and info not tied to them at all!
* Direct Mailing not allowed but pea mailing and any other applications running is fine -- social networks, chat bots, etc.
* IF for some reason the IP gets in trouble, your server will NEVER go down -- you will just be assigned new ip.
* WINDOWS OR FREEBSD O/S. No hosting on these servers.
If you need FAST hosting BP, $500 a month. no adult or child porn *anything else is fine* - 25 Domains.
Contact me and I'll get you setup ASAP!
aim - batonRouge
skype - killpolice
icq - 216.587.192
Hm, hosting *anything* except adult and child porn. So malware and phish pages are just fine, me thinks.
Ties to Matt Leppala (Link to Leppalas ROKSO listing).
Has at least one site hosted at Leppalas (webnos) space on Staminus.
And some sites on phatservers.
A nice soul sent us a picture of three guys.
The problem is that we don't know which one is n0fx. And the source is silent.
Other nicks used around: skunx, PunkRockXXX, squatterpunx, Punk Rocks
Personally, I prefer to call him Steve.
No, I changed my mind. I prefer to call him Edmond. I wondered what that e@ in several domain registrations meant.
Now I know.
Ugly piece of shit according to a photo.